T.C. Mİllî Eğİtİm BakanlIğI
İSTANBUL / GÜNGÖREN - 50. Yıl Ahmet Merter İlkokulu

New Year's Day in Old Times

 New Year's Day in Old Times

Fatma Şahin

Projects aim: Our aim is to learn about traditions and celebrations of New Year's Day around the world.


Therefore our students will work in transnational teams.

Each team will choose a country.

Not only can the country be in Europe.

We would like to know the way New Year was celebrated in Africa, America, Asia, Australia...everywhere in the wide world.


We want our students to open their mind and be curious and interested in other cultures.


We also would like to wish Happy New Year with a language that is common to all people: music.

We will use a common melody and each school will use their imagination to invent some words in their own language in order to create a beautiful wishing song.



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Yayın: 08.05.2024 - Güncelleme: 08.05.2024 14:38 - Görüntülenme: 125
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